Northumbria University Case Study
Northumbria is a business-focused university with an excellent reputation for academic achievement and general student-life.
Our relationship with Northumbria has developed into something fantastic and has seen us produce an array of different videos for multiple facets of the organisation. Upon recently rebranding, Northumbria have been keen to utilise video content in all aspects of their marketing. Our modern, professional approach to working with them to appeal to and develop concepts suitable for their audience, means that together we have produced some great engaging content.
Promotional Course Videos
Northumbria approached us asking if we could help modernise some of their course information pages with video content. The university described their frustration of using previous companies that were old fashioned, and this was apparent in their filming and editing style and the way they were trying to market the courses. They needed fresh, concise, informative videos that would engage the viewer and set Northumbria apart from the crowd.
Entrepreneurship MSc
The entrepreneurship masters course saw us focus on one particular aspect that students of the course experience, the guest lectures. In the video we gain insight from course leader Natalia, as well as hearing from current students about the value they feel this has brought them.
Entrepreneurial Business Management BA (Hons)
The EBM promotional video saw us hear from both current and graduate students that had found success via the unique course, as well as detailing the aspects that make this course so desirable to budding entrepreneurs.
Venue Showcase Videos
Northumbria University have some amazing venues for hire and make an effort to travel around the country letting people know. For marketing purposes they have traditionally relied on printed content and their verbal sales abilities at business and trade shows. The team wanted some sharp, professional content that would promote each individual venue in a way that was suitable for the separate audiences.
The Sandyford Building
The Sandyford building is the perfect venue for workshops, seminars and corporate events. The fold-away walls creating an interchangeable space mean that the venue is highly adaptable and this, coupled with the break-away rooms available, is something that was highlighted in our video.
The Great Hall
For the Great Hall we shifted our stylistic approach to target those in the look-out for a wedding reception location. For this we showcased the potential to make this your dream location by presenting the venue before and after it had been dressed for one couples reception.
City Campus East
City campus east plays host to events for some of the biggest companies in the UK and it's no surprise when you consider the facilities. The expansive networking areas, impressive architecture and 400 capacity lecture theatre all feature in our short showcase film.
University Event Videos
Having an excellent reputation for hosting a wide plethora of great events, Northumbria needed video production that followed suit. We have since provided the University with content that not only represents the events in an accurate manor, but aids as outstanding marketing tools.
This conference saw young stakeholders and enthusiasts of global development come together to discuss the opportunities facing the world. We got insights from world and national leaders in the field as well as those of keen students attending.
International Development Conference
Business Students Trade Fair Show
The business trade fair show is an annual event that sees students showcase their entrepreneurial efforts to local business owners and experts. We followed the interactions and excitement of the day and put together what is now one of our oldest videos.
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